Hi everyone, I wanted to share an exciting new event in the Barony of the Citadel of the Southern Pass!
As of this week we have an official Historical Combat Arts and Sciences Study Group! We are currently studying Bolognese Swordsmanship from the 1500s and we meet on the south and east lawns of the garden center at memorial park on Tuesday evenings at 7pm.
What is the difference between an HC A&S study group versus a Rapier practice? I’m glad you asked! We do not do competitive fighting in an HC A&S group. We learn about the sources, study the history of it, do drills and techniques together, and a ton of other aspects of period martial traditions. Want to apply them to cut and thrust or rapier combat in competitive freeplay with your buddies? There’s a practice the very next night for that!
More on hc a&s here: http://www.sca.org/offi…/…/AandS_martial_public_proposal.pdf and here: http://sca.org/officers/arts/histcombat.html
This will be a super accessible practice for whoever wants to join, whether you want to ever fight or not. Gear will almost never include more than a mask, sword (can be plastic or wood if you like), and possibly gloves. Maybe gorgets if the drills require it, but we will have loaners for all gear. Also my intent is for it to be about an hour a night, so you don’t need to commit your whole evening to it if you don’t want to.
Please come and see what we’re all about!