The 11th Air Defense Artillery Brigade has requested support from Citadel for their Military Ball on the 21st of September. Citadel has of course answered the call and will be providing support in several ways from a Fighter and A&S Demo to direct participation in their Military Ball. The Baron and Baroness will be treated as guests in the Imperial Court with members of Citadel acting as Baronial and Imperial Herald, providing a choir and marshaling an Imperial Tournament with fighters acting as champions for each of the Battalions.

The event will consist of two distinct portions. The first will be the Social Hour taking place in front of the Convention Center and is where we will host the A&S and Fighter Combat Demo. Everyone is welcome to participate and join in on the Social Hour. It will serve as a typical demo and we can set up tables with information as well as host our fighting. Please be ready to demo and fight starting at 4:00 PM. That means in armor or having your table display set up, ready to start fighting as people arrive. If that means you have to get there by 3:00 PM, then please plan accordingly. The Social Hour will end around 5:30 PM, but plan to remain until 6:00 PM. No special pass or access is required for this portion.
The second portion of the event includes the dinner itself and the choir and several volunteers have been identified to assist. The combat for this portion will be provided by another group, but we will herald and marshal the fighting. Volunteers for the choir and the heralding/marshaling have been identified already, but we really need fighters for the Social Hour. This is our chance to get in with a unit on post for further recruiting and coordination, so the demo is critical.
Here are the 5 W’s:
Who: Citadel and Area Fighters, Choir and A&S participants
What: Citadel Demo and Military Ball Support
Where: El Paso Convention Center, 1 Civic Center Plaza, El Paso, TX 79901
– You’ll find up on the entry terrace at the Convention Center
Click Here for Google Maps Directions
When: 21 September 2018 @ 4:00 PM (Be ready to start then)
Click Here for the Google Calendar Event
Why: To Support the 11th ADA BDE and to Demo the SCA
For any further questions, please contact Signore Bernardo at