Court Report: Feast of St. Edrik A.S. 59

Pray attend good gentles all to the words laid henceforth on this missive. It is my duty as Rook Pursuivant to bring forth this report for the proceedings of the courts held at the Feast to honor the blessed Saint Edrik, patron of the Citadel of the Southern Pass, which took place on October 5th, 59 A.S. 2024 C.E.

From this point on are noted the events of their Excellencies, Carlos and Joella, Baron and Baroness of the Barony of the Citadel of the Southern Pass.

Their Excellencies thanked the autocrats THL Emrys ap Gwelchmai and m’lady Gina Celis who put so much effort into organizing this event, and for all those who gave of their time to make it go as smoothly as possible.

The following awards were given, and recognitions made by their Excellencies, with the histories of the orders read by the historian.
For her immediate and dedicated service to our society and to the dream at large, m’lady Ruth of the Citadel was made a Seeker of the Grail.
For her dedication to the arts, and eagerness to share those skills, a Flos Australis was given to Lady Ásdís Alfriðardóttir

The scrolls were read for a pair of Flos Australis that had been given in March, but had not had a scroll accompanying them, thus recognizing Master Walthari von Harx, and Iokepa Waltharison

Lady Ásdís Alfriðardóttir, Countess Elizabeth O’Byrne, Lord Iokepa Waltharison, Mistress Caitriona nic Aoidh, and Lord Symont Merrick of Dorchester all shared with the populace their knowledge with the populace at this event and have their Excellencies’ gratitude for doing so.

The Guard Azure, represented by THL Corbin de Heather, Master Carlos Nieto de Andrade, and Lord Mingus O’Brien inducted two new members: Lord Frederick Fortescue, and Lord Johan von Horne.

A rapier tournament was sponsored by Lord Frederick Fortescue, and was won by Lord Symont Merrick of Dorchester. Likewise an armored tournament sponsored by Master Carlos Nieto de Andrade was won by Sir Zachariah de Kane.

Sir Berald de Gilbert served as royal herald for his Majesty Hawk Rill, King of these mighty Outlands, who saw fit to give the following awards.
An Award of Arms was given to Santiago of the Citadel on 8/5/2024
An Award of Arms was given to Arcadio of the Citadel on 8/5/2024
An Award of Arms was given to Mayala of the Citadel on 8/5/2024
A Silver Tyne was given to Emrys ap Gwelchmai of the Citadel on 8/5/2024
A Silver Tyne was given to Elspeth Monypenney of the Citadel on 8/5/2024
A Promise of the Outlands was given to Cole of Nahrun Kabirun on 8/5/2024
A Stags Heart was given to Lorinc Otog of Nahrun Kabirun on 8/5/2024
A Trefoil was given to Ealusaid of Ardrenk of Nahrun Kabirun on 8/5/2024
A Venerable Guard was given to Timur ibn Junaid of Nahrun Kabirun on 8/5/2024
A Stags Heart was given to Mathilde Larchier de Arundel of Nahrun Kabirun on 8/5/2024
A Stags Blood was given to Reinhard von Stehlenbaur of Al-Barran on 8/5/2024

Yours in Service,
Johan von Horne
Rook Pursuivant of the Citadel of the Southern Pass

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