Our Barony is one of the more forward looking branches in the SCA thanks to our amazing populace and hustle when it comes to working to stay in compliance with Society Corpora and policies while thinking outside the box. In order to keep pushing those boundaries we need your help. Some of our platforms need more likes, shares, and use in your daily SCA life to help spread the word. This article serves to highlight how you can join the Social Media crowd and increase our exposure.

Corpora and Kingdom Policy. They’re Important.
While we push the boundaries of modern technology we also have to respect what Corpora and Kingdom Policy have to say about Social Media. The great thing about that for you is that our Social Media Team made up of the Seneschals, Social Media Officers, Chronicler, and Webminister are already on top of it ensuring we list the correct disclaimers on our Pages, Groups, Websites, and periodic Newsletter. This is why you’ll see Official Facebook Pages and Unofficial Facebook Groups. What is publicly accessible and what is approved access has already been properly configured, so you don’t have to worry about it.
What we do ask is that you don’t post anything vulgar or what may bring discredit upon the SCA, our Kingdom, or our Barony or any other branches or members. The idea of Courtesy extends beyond our face to face interactions and applies to our online presence as well.

Find Us Online at More Than Here and Facebook
We’re on Facebook, but we’re also on Twitter, Google, Instagram, YouTube, Discord, and via an online Mailling List that we maintain through MailChimp. Check us out at the following URLs:
Facebook Page (Official Presence):
Facebook Group (Unofficial Presence):
MailChimp Mailing List Sign Up Landing Page:

And Now For the Tags
In order for us to punch through all the noise of Social Media and the Internet at large, we use the following tags:
#TeamCitadel #OutlandsStrong #EPForward #MySCA #LibraPorLibra
Team Citadel for us, our Barony.
Outlands Strong for our Kingdom, Kingdom of the Outlands
EP Forward for a local initiative to help people find each other and activities locally
My SCA for the tag that the Society for Creative Anachronism uses internationally
Libra Por Libra means Pound for Pound and is a rallying cry we use locally
There’s More Out There …
There are an endless number of Social Media platforms out there and most of them are crowd sourced for content and spreading awareness. If you find a platform that you believe we should be on, please contact the Baronial Officers and let us know. Creating pages or groups that have the appearance of being the official presence on that platform is highly discouraged. Creating pages for your unofficial group, household, guild, or persona is highly encouraged as long as it doesn’t carry the perception of being officially sanctioned by the SCA or a local branch.