Due to complications in his Mundane life that were keeping him from being able to keep up with his office, m’lord Marius has decided to step down as Baronial Webminister. Marius did a fine job maintaining the Baronial Website and we are sorry to see him having to step down. We hope that once he has his mundane affairs in order we will see him once again join the Barony’s web team.
The Barony is currently seeking interested persons who would like to take on the job of Webminister for the Citadel of the Southern Pass. The Webminister is in charge of maintaining the baronial website and
keeping a strong web presence in support the Barony’s various events and activities as well as coordinating with the Kingdom Webminister in support of Kingdoms and Society Web Policies.
For more information and details regarding the function of the web page itself, please contact SIgnore Bernardo dei Medici (Brandon Sivret). Parties interested in filling the position please submit a letter of intent to the Kingdom Webminister (webminister@outlands.org) with copies submitted to Their Excellencies (coronet@southernpass.org) and Madame Seneschal (seneschal@southernpass.org). Letters of intent will be received until October 6, 2018.