Baronial Letter for November 2022


I hope this letter finds you and yours doing well in these times. Word may or may not have reached you regarding my request to retire from the position of Baron of Citadel. It has been a very rewarding and sometimes challenging experience during these nearly four years. When I stepped up, it was under the promise that I would do everything in my power to continue to build upon the strong and resilient history of the Barony of the Citadel of the Southern Pass. I am very pleased to say that the circumstances under which I am stepping down have achieved many of the goals I set out to accomplish. The energy and enthusiasm coupled with the level of activity we are experiencing in our post-plague era are nothing short of amazing and it is due to the teamwork and dedication of the populace here in the Barony. It would be easy to ride this wave of excitement into the next few years, but it is also the perfect time to hand off the coronet to those who will dedicate their time and effort to ensuring it continues into the future.

During my tenure we have accomplished quite a bit and that is a testament to the hard work and commitment from many of our members. As a leader, it is a tempting proposition to take credit for the great things this group has achieved, but we have succeeded as a Barony and I could not have done any of this without the countless hours and endless effort that it takes to make this all work. We are always looking for officers and people to help put on events and if you’re interested you can get started by talking to me, our Seneschal, or any of our current officers. We even have deputy officer positions to help people get comfortable without any significant commitment to help out when and where they can.

The process of selecting those to follow on from my time has begun. Their Royal Highnesses in consultation with and receiving approval for have announced that they are accepting letters of intent for those seeking to serve as the next Coronets of Citadel. I highly recommend anyone interested, to submit a letter. The process of offering yourself in service, conducting the Q&A, participating in the polling, and being considered is a rewarding and educational experience. Everyone deserves consideration for this position and those who are involved in the decision making process are some of the most caring and thoughtful members of our Kingdom. The position of Baron and Baroness is a special opportunity to give back and experience servant leadership in our shared dream. Below I’ve included the original announcement for those intending to submit their letters.

Greetings Citadel,
His Excellency Bernardo has requested to retire from his position as the Baron of Citadel of the Southern Pass. After speaking with Their Majesties Jaxarticus and Anna it has been decided that we will honor His Excellency’s request and begin accepting letters of intent for the next Coronet of Citadel.

Their Royal Majesties along with Ourselves will accept letters until the 20th of November. The Barony will hold a polling on Saturday December 10th at The Feast of St. Edrik, and the investiture of the future Coronet will be held this coming spring.

You may send a letter of intent to Their Royal Majesties ( and Their Royal Highnesses (, with copies to the Kingdom Seneschal (, the Coronet (, and the Baronial Seneschal (

You may also contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Bardolf and Sabiha, Crown Prince and Princess, Dread Lord and Lady of Argonia

Additionally, we’ll be hosting a Question and Answer session here in Citadel so that you can meet and greet the prospective candidates. The event will take place on 19 November from 6 to 9 PM at the El Paso Masonic Lodge at 1505 Magruder. Please consider submitting a letter of intent and joining a list of nobles who have served this Barony.

As always, if you have any questions, comments, or requests, please reach out to me at

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