Hosted by Citadel of the Southern Pass
Saturday, November 09, 2019 – Sunday, November 10, 2019
Saturday OPENS: 09:00 AM CLOSES: 9:00 PM
Sunday OPENS: 09:00 AM CLOSES 4:00 PM
Saturday – Bethel Family Ministries 6301 Alabama St, El Paso, TX 79904
Sunday – Memorial Park, 1701 N Copia St, El Paso, TX 79930
Event Steward: Caledonius and Julia (
Site Fee: Adult Event Registration $20, Adult Member Discount Event Registration $15, Youth (10-17) $5, Child (Under 10) Free, Family Cap is $50
Feast Fee: $10
Both Sites Dry on Each Day
Join us in the Citadel of the Southern Pass as we crown the future King and Queen of the mighty Kingdom of the Outlands. Saturday will consist of Courts, Officer Meetings, Archery, a Largesse Contest, a Scriptorum and Youth Activities as well as Martial Tournaments. Sunday will consist of Circles and War Practice at Memorial Park.
Please forward any allergies or accessibility concerns to the Event Steward as early as possible to facilitate planning and considerations.
Bathrooms will be available within the site location on Saturday and at Port-o-Potties or indoor facilities at the nearby Library on Sunday.
Calendar of Events
Saturday, 09 November 2019 – Bethel Family Ministries 6301 Alabama St, El Paso, TX 79904
Inside | Outside | Location | |
0900 | Site Opens | ||
0930-1230 | Morning Court | Main Hall | |
1240-1255 | B&B Meetings | Classroom A | |
1300-1315 | Greater Officers | Classroom A | |
1300-1630 | Scriptorum | Scribal Room | |
1300-1630 | Heraldry Consultations | Herr Johan/Lady Catriona | |
1300-1430 | Donation Lunch | Main Hall | |
1300-1400 | Children’s Activity | Main Hall | |
1300-1400 | Protector of the Queen’s Heart | Fighting Field | |
1400 | Deadline for Scribal Submissions | Scribal Room | |
1400 | Deadline for A&S Submissions | Main Hall | |
1430-1630 | Citadel Archery Champion Rounds | Archery Field | |
1500 | Choir Practice | Classroom A | |
1500-1530 | A&S Competition Judging | Main Hall | |
1400-1500 | Heroes and Legends Tournament | Fighting Field | |
1500-1600 | Queen’s Favor | Fighting Field | |
1500-1530 | Scribal Competition Judging | Scribal Room | |
1700 | Evening Court | Main Hall | |
1800 | Feast | Main Hall | |
2100 | Site Closes, Tear Down |
Sunday, 10 November 2019 – Memorial Park, 1701 N Copia St, El Paso, TX 79930
0900 | Site Opens |
0900 | Chivalry Circle |
0915 | MOD Circle |
0930 | Pelican Circle |
0945 | Laurel Circle |
1000-1300 | War Practice |
1300-1600 | Donation Lunch and Social |
1600 | Site Closes, Clean Up |
If you are interested in merchanting at Coronation, please email or send a message on Facebook to Jessa Honaker or Citadel’s Baronial Facebook Page for the form.
This form must be completed and returned in order to save your space. Fees can be paid on site or with a check to the Barony with your feast reservation! It is only $15 to merchant