There has been a murder in Citadel on the most glorious weekend of birthday celebrations and championships!
Come, join us for a weekend of mystery and championships on the west side of El Paso, Texas at the BSA Yucca Council Camp Pioneer. We will be having competitions for Archery, Heavy, Rapier, A&S, Youth Archery, and Youth A&S champions. Please stay tuned for details on these competitions in the coming weeks! You don’t want to miss your opportunity to be a CHAMPION!
BSA Yucca Council Camp Pioneer, 3400 Girl Scout Lane Sunland Park, NM, 88063
Site Opens: Friday October 12, 2018 12:00 pm
Site Closes: Sunday October 14, 2018 3:00 pm
Adult Member Discount Event Registration: $15 /Adult Event Registration: $20
Child Member Discount Registration (6-16): $10 / Child Event Registration (6-16): $15 Child (under 5): Free Merchants fee $15 + Event Registration
Adult Member Discount Daytrip Registration: $10 / Adult Daytrip Registration: $15
Child Day Trip (6-16): $5
Family Cap: $50
Feast fee: $5/ Feast fee Cap $20
Make checks payable to “SCA Inc. – Barony of Citadel of the Southern Pass”
Site Restrictions:
•This is a discreetly wet site.
•Pets must be restrained or on a leash at all times.
•Campfires are allowed at this time (TBD) in secure fire pits. Updates will occur if any fire restrictions are in place. Please have a fire extinguisher for each fire.
There will be a cigarette butt disposal can near the main hall, please us this instead of trash cans and the ground.
Directions: From the I-10 Sunland Park Exit go southwest on Sunland Park Dr. to Doniphan Dr. Turn right on Doniphan Dr. and travel north to Frontera Rd. Turn left on Frontera and travel west to Girl Scott Ln. Turn right on Girl Scott Ln. and travel north until you reach the entrance of the site.
Autocrat: Domina Julia Alexandria
MKA: Jessa Honaker jessahonake