Citadel Twelfth Night
Site is Discreetly Wet.
All Saints Episcopal Church
3500 McRae Blvd.
El Paso, Texas 79925
Adult Member Discount Event Registration: $15 /Adult Event Registration: $20
Child Member Discount Registration (6-16): $10 / Child Event Registration (6-16): $15
Child (under 5): Free
Merchants fee $10 + Event Registration
Family Cap: $50
Feast Fees:
Adult Feast Fee: $10/ Child Feast Fee: $5
All Saints Episcopal Church
3500 McRae Blvd
El Paso, Texas 79925
From I-10 take the McRae exit going north. Travel on McRae approximately three miles. The site is on the right hand side of the street.
This event is sponsored by the Kingdom of the Outlands, which is part of the Society for Creative Anachronism. More information can be found on our website here: https://www.outlands.org/
Ice Tea
1st Course
Dipping Herb Olive Oil (Olive oil, Oregano, Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Dried Basil, Dry Parsley)
Whipped Butter (Salted Butter)
Zuppa di stella (Frog’s “Sopa de Estrella” – Vegetable Bullion, Tiny Stars Pasta, Spinach, Kale, Celery, Carrots, Onions, Parsley)
2nd Course
Rotisserie Chicken
Tri-color Rotini
Pesto Arugula (Raw Almonds, Olive Oil, Garlic, Salt)
3rd Course
3 Cheese Lasagna (lasagna noodles, vegetable bouillon, Alfredo sauce, ricotta cheese, mozzarella, Parmesan, eggs, parsley, salt, pepper, garlic powder)
Winter Greens Salad (spinach, kale, red onion, carrots, white wine vinaigrette, white wine vinegar, olive oil, dried Herbs)
********** Gluten free options will be available. **********
Please contact autocrats (Tariq, Elieth) or feastocrats (Rafael or Lorinc) to be added to the list.
Assorted desserts
2019 Twelfth Night Coordinators:
1. Autocrats: Tariq and Elieth (George Maloof, Elieth Salazar)
2. Co autocrat: Johan (Jack L Horn III)
3. Feastocrats: Rafael (Paul Bullfrog Chavira) and Lorinc (Loran Hoffheins)
4. Entertainment during Feast: Meleri Gyfford (Heather Jackson)
5. Feast hall: Warmin (WarminandDanette Hobbs)
6. Donation lunch: Warmin (WarminandDanette Hobbs)
7. War Practice: Bernardo (Brandon Sivret)
8. Water bearers: Greyhold (Tina Lommen)
9. Marshal in Charge: Caledonius (Scott Honaker)
10. Drumming during War Practice: David-Harduin Brown
11. Classes: Johan (Jack L Horn III)
12. Merchants: Carlos (Carlos Andrade)
13. Gate: Countess Claudia (Claudia Swain)
14. Site Tokens: Carlos (Carlos Andrade)
15. Gate book: Julia (Jessa Honaker)
16. Decorations Committee: Constance (Aimee Fievet Mack)
17. A&S competition: Julia (Jessa Honaker)
18. Scroll competition: Julia (Jessa Honaker)
19. Invitations: Arcis
20. Royal Liaison: Raelina (Jenifer Chavira)
21. Baronial Retinue: Rita (Rita Mock)
22. Youth: Wild Woman (Sarah Barnett)
23. Silent Auction (Kingdom and Baronial Travel Fund): Suzanna (Susan Jewell)
24. Social Media Liaison: Tariq (George Maloof)
25. Crash Space: Elieth (Elieth Salazar)
Call for Bards
Bards of the Outlands and any other Kingdoms that will be attending Citadel 12th Night. I propose that the Blue Tower Bard can defeat all challengers. Bring your songs and stories with you. There will be a preliminary round held during lunch. The top performers chosen by the judges will preform at the feast that night against the Citadel’s own Blue Tower Bard. The winner of this challenge will be chosen by popular vote.
Contact Lady Meleri Gyfford to sign up.
9 am Site opens
10 am Morning Court
11 am to 2 pm War Practice
11 am to 3 pm Donation Lunch
11 am to 4 pm Classes
3:15 pm to 4 pm All Peers circle
5 pm Evening Court
6:30 or after court Feast
9 pm Site closes
12 Night Competition Rules- General Rules for both competitions are as follows
-Open to all attendees of the event
-No names to be on any documents or items during judging. Please see Lady Julia Alexandria for an anonymous number to submit items.
-Nothing can be submitted that has ever won or placed in another competition
-Laurels are allowed to participate
-Documentation will be judged
-If your entry is performance based, make sure to schedule to do your performance before 4pm as judging will begin at 4pm
-Entries will not be divided into categories unless enough submissions are entered
Individuals may enter as many items as they wish
-Awards will be given based on items, not individuals
-Please submit 2 copies of documentation to include
–General description of item, to include what virtue you see your item representing
–Method of construction
–Information related to authenticity and anachronistic value/use
-Points system is as follows, each item worth up to 10 points.
Total perfect score: 50 points
Workmanship/Success of attempt
Tie scores will be reconciled by voting of judges
-Entrants will receive written commentary at the end of the competition day
-Entrants must be on site and able/willing to speak to judges
-All work must be by entrant, nothing pre-purchased. Group efforts are allowed, but must be documented clearly.
– No kits are to be used.
-Actual pieces must be entered, no photos or reproductions will be accepted
Entries must be on site and checked in by 3:30pm
Examples of Virtues:
Roman Virtues themed
May be anything representing this theme
Prize to be determined
Kingdom level award blanks
AoA, Trefoil, Stags Blood, Stags heart, etc
Roman themed scrolls
Prize will be a custom quill with removable nib
There will be a Silent Auction benefiting the Royal and Baronial travel fund, please come prepared!
Shayk Tariq Ibn Yusuf Ibn Askari Al Ghassani
Shayka Elieth De Salazar