The Feast of St Edrik 2024

The Barony of the Citadel of the Southern Pass invites all to come together to share in merriment with old and new friends. A feast celebrating the Barony’s birthday and the memory of Blessed St Edrik (Patron Saint of Squires and Children born with Extremely Large Noses) has been called by Their Excellencies Carlos and Joella. Updates will follow, please check this page often.

Date: October 5th, Gates open at 9 am and the event ends at 9 pm

Location: Correction we are moving to Tobin UMC 9410 Roanoke Dr, El Paso, TX 79924

$25 Adult (non-member) event and feast registration , $15 Adult Member Discount event and feast registration, Children under the age of 17 are free.

Cash or Checks made out to “SCA Inc Citadel of the Southern Pass” will be the only options for payment. Our apologies.

Event stewards are m’Lady Gina of the Citadel and THL Emrys Ap Gwalchmei

We will have a table set up where you can give/trade old books, garb, feast gear, or any other items that clutter up your house you no longer need.

Activities planned include classes, dancing, feast, a tournament or two, and more.

Feast will be collection of pastas (Blessed St Edrik was known to love pasta) with various sauces, there will be a dessert competition (rules to be announced soon).

The Arts and Sciences classes at the event are as follows:

  • How to make a Sari with Countess Elizabeth O’Byrne
  • Bench lecture with Lord Symont Merrick of Dorchester
  • How to make Veil pins with Lady Ásdís Alfriðardóttir
  • How to wrap handles with Lord Iokepa Waltarison
  • Dancing with Mistress Catriona nic Aoidh throughout the day

Attention Rapier Fighters! There will be a prize tourney to honor the beloved Saint, As some may know St Edriks symbol is a boot, So what better way to honor them then to fight with footwear! The Tournament will be an offhand footwear tournament! Offhand can be anything from a sneaker, to a boot, to the humble chancla! Format for the tournament will be determined based on number of participants. So come on out put your best foot forward and fight for for glory, honor, and a prize!

In addition to the rapier tournament, we are organizing an armored tournament using spears (the favored weapon of Blessed Edrik), the format for the tournament will be determined based on number of participants, nine foot spears will be provided.

Event RSVP form