Coronet Candidate Q&A – 19 Nov 22

Greet the day Citadellians.

His Excellency Bernardo has asked me, Sir Berold, to moderate the Question & Answer event for those individuals who wish to be the next Coronet of our beloved Barony.

The candidates will be sat in front of the populace with 2 couples on each side of the moderator.

There will be a set protocol for the event –
*Individuals who have questions will raise their hands for recognition and MUST be recognized by the Moderator before they ask their question.
*Individuals may ask as many questions as they wish but may only ask one per recognition.
*Individuals may ask the panel the same question OR aim their query at an individual couple or couples.

Candidate couples are allowed TWO minutes between them to answer each question.
(Extra time may be allowed by His Excellency Bernardo)

Candidates will be announced at the event.

Site opens at 5:45pm
Q & A begins promptly at 6:00pm
Site will close no more than 45 minutes after the event has ended.

El Paso Masonic Lodge
1505 Magruder
El Paso TX. 79925

Please wear garb / raiment / costume / or whatever you call your SCA clothing to the event.
Bottled water will be provided.

Thank you and I hope to see each and every Citadellian there.

Sir Berold de Gilbert, Moderator

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