Don Julien will be covering counter-disengages (contracavazione) starting from the inside engagement. “THE INSIDE COUNTERDISENGAGE OF THE SWORD In this figure another way of parrying and wounding by way of counterdisengage is represented and shown to you, which one does in this way: having covered the sword of your enemy so that if he wants …
Tag: southern pass
Jul 20
The Archer: July 20, 2018
ARROW: Weather should hold for archery this weekend, Saturday July 21 at 10am-1pm, for those who are not at Nock on Wood. It will be HOT, with little breeze and little cloud cover. PLEASE prepare for this- cowls, sunscreen, water, and a snack. The pavilion will be our only refuge from the sun and heat unless you …
Jun 13
The Archer: Month of May
ARROW: The month of May saw 163 archers at weekly practices, hot weather and winds in the Citadel. We have a strong archery officer corp, with myself, Jim Volker, Scott Honaker, Michael Duckworth, Ashley Rench, Raul Escalante, and Aimee Fivet Mack working hard to improve the archery program. We have new targets that are lighter and easier …