Shayk Tariq, Baron of the Citadel of the Southern Pass The Society of Creative Anachronism (SCA) is an international re-enactment organization focused on the re-creation of the middle ages whose pillars are Honor, Chivalry and Service. Those who live up to the standards set by the organization and its members are distinguished as such through …
Tag: southern pass
Sep 28
NOTICE: Date Change for Citadel Populace Gathering
Mighty Citadel heed the words of Tariq & Elieth, Baron and Baroness! Their Excellencies call upon the populace of the Citadel to Pray heed to the Date Change and attend the Baronial Day & Populace Gathering to be held on Sunday, October 7, 2018 on the south side of Album Park. The date change was …
Sep 12
The Archer: September 13, 2018
ARROW: This Saturday, September 15, looks like a nice day for shooting with sunny skies, 80s aime a light breeze. We are still on summer hours until the Saturday after Edriks, October 20. **there is construction going on at EPMArch, please park in the border patrol parking lot and follow the path to our usual …
Sep 10
Words from Their Excellencies
Unto the Mighty populace of the Citadel of the Southern Pass do we, Tariq and Elieth, Baron and Baroness, send greetings! As first order of business, we wish to announce that the Outlands has Royal Heirs! Al hale Hrorek and Slaine, Crown Prince and Princess of the Outlands! We look forward to a long and …
Sep 06
Citadel Seeks Baronial Webminister
Due to complications in his Mundane life that were keeping him from being able to keep up with his office, m’lord Marius has decided to step down as Baronial Webminister. Marius did a fine job maintaining the Baronial Website and we are sorry to see him having to step down. We hope that once he …
Sep 06
Scribal Arts Class Taught by Mistress Joella of Blue Lion’s Keep (9/13)
Arcis Calamus, the Baronial Scribal Arts Guild, invites one and all to its monthly Scriptorium gathering to learn from Mistress Joella of Blue Lion’s Keep, Laurel and long-time member of the Citadel. The Baronial Scriptorium will be held this month on Thursday, September 13th, at the Baronial Estate, 9900 Chinaberry Drive, starting at 6 pm. …
Sep 04
Baronial Arts & Sciences (9/10): Leatherworking
Join us on Monday, September 10th at the Baronial Estate (9900 Chinaberry Drive) at 7:00 pm for an introductory class on leather tooling for SCA Projects. This is a hands-on class where students will be taught basic tooling and surface treatments for vegetable tanned leather. Tools and practice leather will be on hand so that …
Sep 04
The Barony is Seeking a Rapier Marshal
As Don Julien prepares for his overseas rotation, he has announced his stepping down as Baronial Rapier Marshal. We thank him for his good service and we wish him safe travels and a safe return home once he has completed his obligations abroad. The Citadel seeks a Baronial Rapier Marshal to take the reigns from …
Sep 04
Citadel Seeks Baronial Knight Marshal
We must announce that our Baronial Knight Marshal, Lord Charles The Bear, has stepped down from his office in preparation for his departing the Barony. We would like to take a moment to thank him for his service to the Citadel and to the Knight Marshalate. He will be greatly missed. Dominus Caledonius, Deputy Knight …
Sep 03
The Road To Estrella War: Arts & Sciences
So we kicked off the Road to Estrella War in the Arts and Sciences this past Friday night at Baronial A&S. Thank you to those who attended and discussed ideas on what they would like to create for the competition. We will be following up with more A&S nights that are specifically geared towards preparing …