Reminder: Citadel of the Southern Pass Baronial Officer’s Meeting is this week


The Officer corps. of the Barony will be holding it’s regular monthly meeting this Thursday, June 21, 2018 at 7:00 pm at Los Tres Gallegos Mexican Restaurant, 10801 Pebble Hills Blvd, El Paso, TX 79935-2025.  We will be meeting in the back room as always.  

These meetings are open to all who wish to attend and we even have a portion of the meeting dedicated to public comment.  Please join us for some good food, and share your ideas or come and learn how the Barony is run.

This month’s meeting topics will include preparations for Clan Wars, Battlemoor, and Citadel Hastilude as well as an after-action report from Soldier-Con.  Signore Bernardo will also be updating us on the new automated newsletter.

We look forward to your attendance!