Seneschal Monthly Officer Report for Jun 2019

Group Synopsis
We are seeing an increase in participation, particularly on Baronial days. Saturday pop up fighter practices have started with weekday fighter practice to follow. Officer reporting has been streamlined, creating an easier way to submit reports. Localized groups have been started in the niche areas- Ft Bliss and UTEP- complete with deputy seneschals to help in targeted recruiting and retention

Past Business
May saw Clann Wars and Outlandish, both successful and attended by Citadel members. Citadel was given a new member of the Stag’s Blood at Outlandish.

New Business
Hatilude and St Edriks upcoming, both to be combined with other Baronies- this will foster good will and cooperation. Fall coronation bid is nearing completion.

Upcoming Events
Battlemoor, St Edriks, Hastilude, Fall Coronation, 12th Night
