Greetings to all the Populace.
As of right now, our calendar has only 1 event. We are participating in the Big Red Comic Con on Saturday April 2 from 10 am until 5. We have one table for us but there is no reserved parking and we have no free passes for the site. Lord Torbjen will be coordinating the fighting. As we have no A&S officer, I am asking for any artisan to bring a small sample of their WIP. Since there is only 1 table, we cannot spread out very much. If you have photos of your other works, please bring them to display as well.
We are in need of officers for the Arts & Sciences, the Chatelaine and the exchequer both need deputies with an eye towards taking over the positions by June.
Following Society guidelines, we no longer are having to sign in at practices or events. Since Texas does not allow vaccine checks, we also are not doing that. Please be aware that the rest of the kingdom does require proof of vaccination or a negative PRC test taken within the past 48 hours of the start of the event.
Mistress Joella of Blue Lion’s Keep
Seneschal Citadel of the Southern Pass