Arts and Sciences Monthly Officer Report for Oct 2019

Local A&S Events
We had one baronial workshop//class night at al Hasan Tariq’s residence. THL Edmund put on a block on instruction of Double Faced Tablet Weaving.

Our 2nd planned night was postponed due to mundane reasons, date of rescheduling TBD

Individual Achievements Reported to the A&S Minister
Elieth has been working on both Choirs Baronial and Kingdom. Also helping Tariq organize his vigil and elevation and working on a project with THL Edmund wood burning something he designed.

Jai has been Rewriting books, research for childrens book

Ty has been cooking whole hogs

Umamah Bint Zayd Al-Andalusiyyah has been working on Kute uchi techniques and tweaking handouts for my wrapped buttons

Carlos Andrade Historical has been doing fencing research and teaching

Edmund has been tablet weaving class, Music

Claudia has been Working on beaded veil to gift Crown of An Tir at GWW.

I Albrecht have been slacking due to devil i sold my soul to many years ago, but have been planning 2 viking dresses and a slashed woolen vest. I also made musket balls and been working on a formula to make new match cord for my matchlock