12th Night Court Report

Herein lies the court report for 12th Night, held in the Citadel of the Southern Pass on January the 18th, A.S. LIV (2020 C.E)

The following awards were given by His Excellency Bernardo dei Medici:

An Austrum Australis was given to Servius Cassius Caledonius Ahenobarbus of the Citadel, 2020/01/18.

An Austrum Australis was given to Julia Alexandria from Citadel, 2020/01/18.

A Flos Australis was given to Elieth de Salazar of the Citadel, 2020/01/18.

A St. Stephan of the Citadel was given to Constance Warwick of Wynandomere of the Citadel, 2020/01/18.

A Defender of Thermopylae was given to John Wryght of Nahrun, 2020/01/18

Herr Johan von Horne served most admirably as Rook Pursuivant for the Barony and at this event stepped down. We thank him for his past service to our most fair Barony and thank him for his gracious continued service as our court herald.

Thus ends the court report for Citadel 12th Night.

Yours in Service,
Lady Caitriona Suthirlande
Rook Pursuivant, Citadel of the Southern Pass