Category: Homepage

Coronet Candidate Q&A – 19 Nov 22

Greet the day Citadellians. His Excellency Bernardo has asked me, Sir Berold, to moderate the Question & Answer event for those individuals who wish to be the next Coronet of our beloved Barony. The candidates will be sat in front of the populace with 2 couples on each side of the moderator. There will be …

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Baronial Letter for November 2022

Greetings, I hope this letter finds you and yours doing well in these times. Word may or may not have reached you regarding my request to retire from the position of Baron of Citadel. It has been a very rewarding and sometimes challenging experience during these nearly four years. When I stepped up, it was …

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The Feast of St Edrik 2022 and Baronial Polling

The Barony of the Citadel of the Southern Pass invites all to come together to share in merriment with old and new friends. With the winter approaching a feast celebrating friends and the memory of Blessed St Edrik (Patron Saint of Squires and Children born with Extremely Large Noses) has been called by His Excellency …

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Announcements – looking for deputies

Greetings to all who read these letters. Know that I, Mistress Joella of Blue Lion’s Keep, am looking for a deputy to step in some time next year. Also, Duchess Morgana is looking for a deputy exchequer. Please contact us if you are interested. My contact information is seneschal@southernpass .org and Duchess Morgana’s is

April 2022

We had a wonderful demo at Bel Air High School’s Big Red Comic Con. Thank you to Lord Torbjen and his wife Diana, and their sons Clark and Bruce, Lord Cao Sheng, Lady Ásdís Alfriðardottir, and Joaquin for coming out and making this our first demo in…years.. be awesome. We had a large TV screen …

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March News

Greetings to all! Our officers’ meeting will be this Thursday online at 7:00 on the Google Meet account. All are welcome to listen in. Our populace meeting will be next Sunday at our regular location at Album Park. We would love to see everyone at the park. We will be finalizing plans for our April …

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Arts & Sciences Interest Survey

Greetings Citadel, The Arts and Sciences are a way for our members to immerse themselves in all that the Middle Ages and Renaissance has to offer. They also serve to broaden our knowledge and understanding of the cultures that came before us. We would like to better serve the needs and interest of our barony …

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September Officers Meeting 16 Sept 2021

Officers Meeting TONIGHT, 16 September at 7PM. All are invited to attend and participate. Lots of GREAT and EXCITING news for the Barony.– Exploring a new indoor fighter practice location– New opportunity to build a KEEP in Citadel– Discussion on opening up Archery Practice [Business Meeting] SignoriaThursday, September 16 · 7:00 – 9:00pmGoogle Meet joining …

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Populace Meeting

Greetings Good Gentles. Please join us for the first populace meeting of the year this Sunday August 22 at 10 am. We will be at Album Park near the tennis courts since our former site is once again under water. IS Mistress Joella of Blue Lion’s Keep

Fighter Practice June 6

Greetings unto the populace of the Citadel of the Southern Pass and Nahrun Kabirun. I received word that TRM and the Kingdom Seneschal have approved us to reopen for fighter practice (only at this time). Any future events such as archery, mid-week fighter practice, A&S gatherings, etc. will need their own paperwork so please contact …

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