Hail Citadel: This months Arts and Science project days have some updates. July 5 would be our Friday meetup but it’s also the week of Battlemoor so we are pushing that one to the 12th, and then the church is not available the 27th so we are going to move our Saturday project day to …
Category: Homepage
Jun 27
June Officer and Business Meeting announcement
Hail Citadel, the Officer and Business Meeting that was planned for today will need to be pushed back. I will be driving across Texas, THL Emrys has work complications, and HE Joella will be picking up HE Constance. So as soon as we have a updated date and time we will have a meeting this …
Jun 20
June Populace and Baronial Day
Hail Citadel, this Sunday is Populace at Memorial Park. 9am is the goal for start time, please bring snacks/drinks/tables/chairs so we can celebrate in fellowship. This is also the last Populace for the Family Grim, sadly they will be leaving the Barony. Let us give them a great send off!
Mar 13
A request for marshals
HAIL CITADEL! Citadel needs more Marshals! I am seeking feedback and interest from the Barony on folks who would be willing and able to obtain Marshal authorization. Given enough participants, I’m looking at doing this through classroom/in-person training. One does not need to be a fighter in order to assist in marshaling, but our fighters …
Mar 05
Week of March 4th updates
This Saturday 12pm, at All Saints Episcopal Church (3500 McRae Blvd, El Paso, TX 79925), we will be working on a special sewing project. Hush Hush thing. Bring your sewing machines, hand sewing kits, cotton batting/filling, and we will work on snacks/food. Lady Rusa, Baronial List minister, will not be able to attend the Baronial …
Mar 04
March 16th A&S project day and potluck
Greetings to all!The Citadel of the Southern Pass would like to invite everyone to come join us Saturday March 16 for a historically themed Potluck and A&S project day. Bring your favorite medieval-inspired dish to share with fellow lords and ladies. Whether it’s a savory stew, a delectable dish, or a sweet treat fit for …
Feb 21
February Business and Officer Meeting.
This Thursday, all members of the populace are encouraged to attend. Officers and deputies please reach out with reports if you can not. Business and Officer Meeting Thursday, February 22 · 7:00 – 9:00pm Google Meet joining info Video call link: https://meet.google.com/gme-bfrd-mtm Or dial: (US) +1 302-503-0196 PIN: 521 737 528# More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/gme-bfrd-mtm?pin=9375731703741
Feb 10
February Arts and Science project: Silk Banners
Greetings, We are having a workshop to learn how to make silk banners. We will be making a 12×12 inch silk handkerchief so please bring a 11×11 inch design so that you can trace it onto the silk. If anyone has any supplies such as silk, paint, soft lead pencils etc. that they can share …
Feb 01
Baronial Letter for January 2024
Hail Citadel! it has been a few months since our last Baronial letter, and we apologize! There have been great things happening in the Barony and in the Kingdom since we last wrote. There was the Dona Anna Arts Council Renaissance Fair, al-Barran’s Midwinter, our St. Stephen’s Day revel, Winter Coronation, and tournaments galore at …
Nov 06
Baronial Letter for October 2023
Hail Citadel! The month of October was an amazing success for the Barony, Crown Tournament was a resounding success by all who attended. Team Citadel came together and showed that we are in fact Libra Por Libra (pound for pound) able to run large events and work as a team! All hail Dread Lord Fjolverker …